J'ai décidé d'être heureux parce que c'est bon pour la santé / I decided to be happy because it's good for my health- Voltaire, France, 1767
Aujourd'hui j'ai décidé de partager cette citation que j'aime beaucoup. Alors voiçi quelques trucs heureuse / Here are a few things that make me happy :
- Ma famille et mon chien / My family and my dog
- Mes amis, tout spécialement ma meilleure amie Josianne / My dear friends, especially my best friend Josianne
- le chocolat chaud avec crème fouettée / Hot chocolate with wipped cram
- La mer / The beach
- Un bon livre / A good book
- Écouter de la bonne musique / Music
- Chocolat, surtout suisse et allemand / Chocolate, especially from Switzerland and Germany
- Visiter l'Allemagne avec ses gens, ses bières, ses rires, et la bonne bouffe! / Visit Germany, with its people, beers, laughter, and good good!
- Paris, ville de mes fiancailles et de l'amour / Paris, where I got engaged. Most romentic place ever!
- Voyager / Traveling
- Apprendre des nouvelles langues / Learn new languages
- Aller au restaurant / Eat out
- Yoga
- Être en amour / Being in love
- ALEX, mon mari / My husband Alex
What makes you happy?
C'est la vie!
vendredi 25 février 2011
lundi 21 février 2011
Lie to Me
Alors aujourd'hui j'ai décidé de vous parler d'un de mes chanteurs préférés, Jonny Lang! C'est un américain et c'est lui qui chantait les hits "Lie to Me" et "Missing your love" dans les années 1990. Ma chanson favorite est sans aucun doute Lie to Me! Je viens de faire découvrir ce chanteur a mon amie Sabrina et nous allons le voir en concert le 11 février a Vancouver! J'ai trop hate!!! en plus il est vraiment trop sexy! Quelle gueule!
Mis a part ça, nous avons maintenant des meubles dans notre chambre a coucher a la maison! FINALEMENT. Après 1 an et demi dans notre maison c'était le temps qu'on se décide a faire de quoi seigneur!
Ma fin de semaine a été plutôt banale; j'écouté deux films, étudié, et pris des marches avec mon chien. Pour un fois qu'il faisait soleil icitte, fallait en profiter. Disons que l'hiver a Vancouver, c'est une affaire pour faire des dépressions tellement y fait tout le temps gris pis y pleut! J'ai aussi fait des crêpes au nutella et c'était vraiment trop bon. Je dois avouer que j'ai tout manger le pot après avoir terminé avec les crêpes LOL.
Certains se demandent peut-être pourquoi j'ai décidé de faire un blog. C'est simple: je rêve d'écrire un livre et on m'a dit que d'écrire un blog me donnerait de l'inspiration. Alors inspiration c'est le temps que tu arrives!!!
Mis a part ça, nous avons maintenant des meubles dans notre chambre a coucher a la maison! FINALEMENT. Après 1 an et demi dans notre maison c'était le temps qu'on se décide a faire de quoi seigneur!
Ma fin de semaine a été plutôt banale; j'écouté deux films, étudié, et pris des marches avec mon chien. Pour un fois qu'il faisait soleil icitte, fallait en profiter. Disons que l'hiver a Vancouver, c'est une affaire pour faire des dépressions tellement y fait tout le temps gris pis y pleut! J'ai aussi fait des crêpes au nutella et c'était vraiment trop bon. Je dois avouer que j'ai tout manger le pot après avoir terminé avec les crêpes LOL.
Certains se demandent peut-être pourquoi j'ai décidé de faire un blog. C'est simple: je rêve d'écrire un livre et on m'a dit que d'écrire un blog me donnerait de l'inspiration. Alors inspiration c'est le temps que tu arrives!!!
jeudi 17 février 2011
Hope everyone had a good day! Mine was okay...nothing special!
However, tonight is BIG BANG THEORY Night!!! I really like this show, especially Sheldon. It's so funny and clever! Alex and I got introduced to the show by our dear friend Kyle. Since then, we have been hooked on it. Sometimes we have a 'Nachos + Big Bang Theory' Night hihi
Soooo I have discovered a new author that I really like. Her name is Carole Matthews and the book I just finished reading is called “The Chocolate Lovers Club”. Since I’m a chocolate addict, the title got my attention right away. It is chick lit, but I love books that make me feel all warm and fuzzy! This one is about a bunch of women, their love for chocolate, their friendship, and their very different lives. It takes place in London, which is a city I really enjoyed visiting. I don’t know why, but I’m absolutely adore British authors! I like their sense of humor and just the way they write in general. Anyway, there is a sequel to the book and it is called '”The Chocolate Lovers Diet”. I will go buy that book asap! The author also has a website with chocolate recipes, facts about chocolate, and other cool stuff.

Today I also watched a VERY FUNNY video! Here is it:
Ok the Big Bang Theory is starting soon and I need to get ready!!
However, tonight is BIG BANG THEORY Night!!! I really like this show, especially Sheldon. It's so funny and clever! Alex and I got introduced to the show by our dear friend Kyle. Since then, we have been hooked on it. Sometimes we have a 'Nachos + Big Bang Theory' Night hihi
Soooo I have discovered a new author that I really like. Her name is Carole Matthews and the book I just finished reading is called “The Chocolate Lovers Club”. Since I’m a chocolate addict, the title got my attention right away. It is chick lit, but I love books that make me feel all warm and fuzzy! This one is about a bunch of women, their love for chocolate, their friendship, and their very different lives. It takes place in London, which is a city I really enjoyed visiting. I don’t know why, but I’m absolutely adore British authors! I like their sense of humor and just the way they write in general. Anyway, there is a sequel to the book and it is called '”The Chocolate Lovers Diet”. I will go buy that book asap! The author also has a website with chocolate recipes, facts about chocolate, and other cool stuff.
Today I also watched a VERY FUNNY video! Here is it:
Ok the Big Bang Theory is starting soon and I need to get ready!!
mardi 15 février 2011
I must confess: I’m addicted to kitsch/trashy reality TV shows… I just can’t help it! I love crazy people and people in those shows definitely have a few screws loose.
My latest addiction is a German TV show called ‘Bauer sucht Frau’, which means Farmer looking for wife. The show is about German farmers trying to find a girlfriend or a wife. Some of them are so hopeless and I even suspect one of having some kind of relationship with his sheep (seen on the picture with his new object of affection). Since I missed the show on Sunday (too busy spending money at a stupidly busy Ikea), I’m going to watch it with my in-laws this evening. I’m so addicted to this show that I have been thinking about it on and off all day long. This can’t be healthy!

My latest addiction is a German TV show called ‘Bauer sucht Frau’, which means Farmer looking for wife. The show is about German farmers trying to find a girlfriend or a wife. Some of them are so hopeless and I even suspect one of having some kind of relationship with his sheep (seen on the picture with his new object of affection). Since I missed the show on Sunday (too busy spending money at a stupidly busy Ikea), I’m going to watch it with my in-laws this evening. I’m so addicted to this show that I have been thinking about it on and off all day long. This can’t be healthy!
On a positive note, the show is helping me a lot with my German! I’m getting better every day, which is good since my in-laws are German. I have to learn it otherwise my future German-speaking kids will be laughing their asses off. On the other hand, Alex thinks the show is crap and he cannot understand my love for the crazies.
But how boring would our world be without the crazies! Who would be laughing at? I love hearing stories from those people because they do and say things normal people wouldn’t even think about! Of course, there are the fun crazies and the stupid ones, but I still think the fun ones are worth it! Think about all the entertainment we get from hearing about Lindsay Lohan, Charlie Sheen, Miley Cyrus, or The Bachelor.
Anyway, time to have dinner and then go to my in-law to get my weekly dose of kitsch/trashy reality TV.
lundi 14 février 2011
Happy V-Day from a Kitch girl
Hi All!
Today I wore red, just like a 4th grade little girl! We went to the pub for dinner and it was awesome! When my hubby and I were discussing v-day last weekend, we were thinking of having a good home cooked meal with wine. However, we had a wine & cheese extravagenza last night and drank a bit TOO MUCH red wine so we decided to take it easy today. Oh and I got flowers + French macarons as a present :) I was cheap and got Alex cadbury mini-eggs. He was still happy!
- But since I'm kitch at heart and because I did long distance with my hubby for so long, I still like v-day. On the other hand, if I were single, I would probably be drinking to forget and ranting on men!
A good song to listen to on a day like today is 'C'est fou comme on s'aime' by Yan Perreault. I love this singer! For single ladies, I would suggest 'f*ck you' by Lily Allen.
On another note, I got a call from Telus Mobility today to renew my contract and I phone flirted with the agent in the hope of getting a better deal. I really have no shame sometimes. Anyways, I think I got a decent plan without making too much of a fool of myself. Girl still has some self-respect!
I'm off now to spend some time with my hubby and my doggy, Clyde. You will hear more about my beloved shorthaired pointer in my next blog.
Today I wore red, just like a 4th grade little girl! We went to the pub for dinner and it was awesome! When my hubby and I were discussing v-day last weekend, we were thinking of having a good home cooked meal with wine. However, we had a wine & cheese extravagenza last night and drank a bit TOO MUCH red wine so we decided to take it easy today. Oh and I got flowers + French macarons as a present :) I was cheap and got Alex cadbury mini-eggs. He was still happy!
so here are some thoughts about Heart Day:
- Do we really need a special day to show our love to the important people in our lives?
- This day is getting wayyyy too commercial
A good song to listen to on a day like today is 'C'est fou comme on s'aime' by Yan Perreault. I love this singer! For single ladies, I would suggest 'f*ck you' by Lily Allen.
On another note, I got a call from Telus Mobility today to renew my contract and I phone flirted with the agent in the hope of getting a better deal. I really have no shame sometimes. Anyways, I think I got a decent plan without making too much of a fool of myself. Girl still has some self-respect!
I'm off now to spend some time with my hubby and my doggy, Clyde. You will hear more about my beloved shorthaired pointer in my next blog.
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