However, tonight is BIG BANG THEORY Night!!! I really like this show, especially Sheldon. It's so funny and clever! Alex and I got introduced to the show by our dear friend Kyle. Since then, we have been hooked on it. Sometimes we have a 'Nachos + Big Bang Theory' Night hihi
Soooo I have discovered a new author that I really like. Her name is Carole Matthews and the book I just finished reading is called “The Chocolate Lovers Club”. Since I’m a chocolate addict, the title got my attention right away. It is chick lit, but I love books that make me feel all warm and fuzzy! This one is about a bunch of women, their love for chocolate, their friendship, and their very different lives. It takes place in London, which is a city I really enjoyed visiting. I don’t know why, but I’m absolutely adore British authors! I like their sense of humor and just the way they write in general. Anyway, there is a sequel to the book and it is called '”The Chocolate Lovers Diet”. I will go buy that book asap! The author also has a website with chocolate recipes, facts about chocolate, and other cool stuff.
Today I also watched a VERY FUNNY video! Here is it:
Ok the Big Bang Theory is starting soon and I need to get ready!!
I'm so sad. I missed tonights show becuase I was watching Wipeout (hilarious by the way).