lundi 14 février 2011

Happy V-Day from a Kitch girl

Hi All!

Today I wore red, just like a 4th grade little girl! We went to the pub for dinner and it was awesome! When my hubby and I were discussing v-day last weekend, we were thinking of having a good home cooked meal with wine. However, we had a wine & cheese extravagenza last night and drank a bit TOO MUCH red wine so we decided to take it easy today. Oh and I got flowers + French macarons as a present :) I was cheap and got Alex cadbury mini-eggs. He was still happy!

so here are some thoughts about Heart Day:

- Do we really need a special day to show our love to the important people in our lives?

- This day is getting wayyyy too commercial

- But since I'm kitch at heart and because I did long distance with my hubby for so long, I still like v-day. On the other hand, if I were single, I would probably be drinking to forget and ranting on men!

A good song to listen to on a day like today is 'C'est fou comme on s'aime' by Yan Perreault. I love this singer! For single ladies, I would suggest 'f*ck you' by Lily Allen.

On another note, I got a call from Telus Mobility today to renew my contract and I phone flirted with the agent in the hope of getting a better deal. I really have no shame sometimes. Anyways, I think I got a decent plan without making too much of a fool of myself. Girl still has some self-respect!

I'm off now to spend some time with my hubby and my doggy, Clyde. You will hear more about my beloved shorthaired pointer in my next blog.


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